Home » Of shootings, car crashes, and the beginning of my new book!

Of shootings, car crashes, and the beginning of my new book!

Want to see inside my tote? Here’s all my writing essentials I take when I go to a coffee shop

This summer so far, is definitely a summer to be remembered. I mean, it’s not every summer where you narrowly miss a shooting, and get hit by a car in the span of  a month.

From a pessimist stand point, one could say I must’ve done something really horrid to piss off the greater forces.

From an optimist stand point, I now have a lot more things in common with 50 Cent. Plus I have now, the neccessary life experiences to write a rap song.

And while luckily my injuries aren’t too severe, my left leg is in an immobilizer, so I’m unable to work or drink for 6 weeks (one of those facts I’m extremely happy about, the other I’m not – guess which?! ).

In the past few days, as I sit at home watching Hugh Grant rom coms and drinking milk, I realized that my situation (other than the whole broken leg thing) is quite ideal for a recent English grad…

For one thing, I don’t have to work for a few weeks. And for the first time ever, I have copious amounts of free time. I’ve wanted to write a book for years now, but I’ve never found the time, or lack the inspiration to write something meaningful. When I decided that I’m moving to Europe last year, I’ve always pictured myself typing away at a coffee shop, or on a train, or with a group of strange French men wearing thick-rimmed glasses….

Then I thought, “why wait till then?”

And so, in the next few weeks, I’ll be starting the book I’ve been wanting to write for ages, and finishing it when I’m in Europe. It won’t be the travel memoir I often tell my friends about writing (that I plan on saving after a few more years of travel), but rather, an e-book. That’s all I’m saying for now…

So stay tuned for updates! 🙂



  1. July 16, 2012 / 5:51 pm

    I know exactly what you mean! I keep complaining that I have irregular hours and not enough money, but as someone who calls herself an “aspiring writer,” I should be happy I have so much time on my hands and use it to actually write something!

    Good luck with your book! Europe would be a glorious place to write in cafes!

    • July 19, 2012 / 3:05 am

      Thanks! 🙂 And yea, procrastinating is so much easier (and sometimes way more fun) than actually doing anything!